
What's it all about

This site is dedicated to thinking, consciousness and intelligence. There is a book of short stories together with a mock newspaper exploring the difference in thinking between different groups in society together with a research exegesis containing research results and conclusions. These are free downloads from this site.
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There is a follow up-Book called Thinking Consciousness Intelligence.
Go to Thinking Consciousness Intelligence
And a fictional trilogy, The Monad Trilogy, examining the same subjects through story telling.
Go to Monad Trilogy

Anywhere but Here

ABH Anywhere but Here is a book of short stories about an East London working class bogan who longed to be anywhere but where he was.

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Retro Times

Retro Times

The Retro times is a fake, but fully researched newspaper into world events causing the social conditions that made our East London bogan want to be anywhere but here.

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Retro Times Supplements

The Rise of Hitler and the Ghost of Ho Chi Minh

Hitler Ho Chi Minh

Anywhere but Here begins in the Second World War and ends with the Vietnam War. To place the stories in context the rise of Hitler and the story of Ho Chi Minh have been added to the Retro Times.

Free Downloads
The Rise of Hitler The Ghost of Ho Chi Minh

Are You Thinking What I am Thinking.

An Exegesis with Pictures

Thinking Are you Thinking What I am Thinking is the academic part of the story telling that examines the thinking behind Anywhere but Here and the Retro Times. Why is it that different groups in society cannot understand each other?
Free Download Are You Thinking What I am Thinking
Thinking Consciouness Intelligence

Thinking Thinking Consciousness Intelligence

Researching why different groups in society cannot understand each other naturally led to further research into thinking, consciousness, and intelligence. The results of that research suggest that thinking, consciousness, and intelligence cannot be separated. The more conscious a person is on their world the greater their ability to think about ‘what is’ rather than what they judge to be. This leads to more intelligent decisions. It is a trilogy that cannot be broken.

There are two versions of Thinking Consciousness Intelligence available. One is a paperback version that contains multiple illustrations. The second version is a ‘bare bones’ text only eBook version that has been stripped of all illustrations. The reason for stripping the illustrations is that available eBook formats do not support formatting to the standard required for multiple illustrations. However, I wanted to produce an affordable version of Thinking Consciousness Intelligence and so the basic eBook is included for download.

View online Thinking Consciousness Intelligence:
The Monad Trilogy.

Five Women Karnetta Moon

The research into communication highlighted the importance of storytelling. This raised the question of how can storytelling be used to discuss social issues with becoming locked into the prison of genre’? The result was a trilogy of books, The Monad Trilogy, based around the same family but each book examining a different range of social issues whilst allowing the genre’ and style wander where they will to tell whatever part of the story is being told. Could I convert the concepts of Thinking, Consciousness, Intelligence into pure fiction to tell the same story in a completely different way?

The first book, Five Women, explores the results of allowing media power to become increasingly concentrated in fewer and fewer hands until one person controls everything. Coupled with this comes sexual politics and exploitation from both a male and female perspective. This naturally led to a sexually explicit book with the accompanying strong language. If your sensitivities do not allow sexually challenging concepts or ‘earthy’ language this is not the book for you.

The second book, Karnetta Doppelganger, has none of the challenging sexual or language aspects of Five Women. Rather Karnetta Doppelgänger explores a hypothesis based on the theory of everything coupled with a strong warning against the inappropriate use of what has become known as artificial intelligence. In form it is akin to a super-hero adventure with good triumphant over evil.

The third book, The Dark side of the Moon, still retains the same characters developed through the first two books in the trilogy, but this time explores religion, spirituality, and truth. All three books have their own unique character but are united by the same family members, that in this last book moves to generational change as the original members age and their children move to the forefront of the storytelling.

View online Five Women
View online Karnetta Doppelgänger
View online The Dark Side of the Moon

Cabin David David Young was born in East London and received the minimalist style secondary modern education as was the norm for children from English working class districts at that time. After migrating to Australia as a ‘Ten Pound Pom’ David studied architecture at the University of Western Australia and alternated between architecture and writing until the global financial crisis ended his architectural career. David then entered Curtin University pursue his passion for writing in the form of a Mass Communication degree that resulted his researching belief and reality at honours level. This led to a Doctor of Philosophy degree for the thesis featured on this site. David lives in a cabin in the bush surrounded by Australian nature and the neighbour's free range chickens.

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